Well November has proven to be a great party month . Both parties so far have been great, as in above average. Morning Wood saw a very nice turn out and a lot of play as Vinnie opened up the lower level of the big house to accomodate us. This made a very successful party and we thank everyone for coming out. Now, we's considering a New Year's eve party, something we've not done in our almost 6 years of partying. So we are asking you for some input. Morning Wood is in Laplata. Md. That's about 35 minutes from the DC beltway...south. Not too far but we'll leave that up to you. But we'd like some feedback to help him decide. Write me on Fetlife or SLS or directly at Info@thebisexuallife.com and let me know your thoughts on a New Year's Eve Party. We are giving it serious thought so your input yes or no will help. Next we were at Rich's Retreat this past weekend on the 11th and I tell you it was a great party with over 35 in attendance. They brought a great variety of food, we had more new couples joinuing us and a lot of play was going on everywhere. What more could you ask for to make a great party? Thanks to all who came out, keep it up. Next we will finish off the month this weekend the 18th at the Tree House in Annapolis. Now we'd like as many of you as we can to comeout and join us. If you recall I was looking for a travel partner to join me on the bliss Cruise...WELLLL. Jon and Chelsea are going and this is good because they are offering future cruises at great rates to goups as ours and theirs...But, since I am not going (didn't find a partner in Travel sniff) They are going and they will come back with all the info. Part of this offer to groups is how big our parties are. Since the Tree House has the most capacity available we'd like to get our numbers up to make it easier to offer us best cruise and trip prices in the future. Between Their Glory Hole group and Bi-Weekly Parties we have thousands in our groups so we do qualify big time. So we ask your support so they can brag about how many were at the latest party to help bolster some support from the Bliss people . So come out and join us at the Tree House from 9pm to 2am this Saturday Nov 18th. DECEMBER'S DATES ARE SET!!! We start off at Rich's Retreat Dec 9th, as usual we'll go from 8pm to 2am. Bring a plate drinks, or ice and share it This is what sets our parties apart from others, This personal touch really ads to the parties and there is something for eveyone and the variety you guys bring is really great. Keep it up. The sodas seem to be very popular. Of course all parties are BYOB and having a drink to loosen up is always nice but a soft drink just for the thirst is working well so far. Nice to see you all pay attention to things I write. I told you that at one pary everyone bought chips...OMG we had 15 bags of various chips so I asked you guys to use your imagination and it's been great since then. I mentioned no one ever brought anything other than beer or wine so any soda or water just disappeared...now we get a nice drink variety ...way to go and keep it up. Our next December party has us back at the Tree House in Annapolis Dec 16th. We'll call it our pre holiday party. So mark your calendars and plan on joining us with Christmas spirit. Show your support and don't hesitate to tell your like minded fun friends about our parties to help us grow. It's always nice to meet a new couple or fun sigle at these parties. And we always seem to get a few newbies at every party so keep that up. Word of mouth is always the best promotion. Also, it never hurts to write about our great parties and if you had a good time on Fetlife or SLS. This helps alot and makes others wonder what their missing. So that's it as to the dates we have set up, mark your calendars and plan on joining us. Don't forget to give us some feedback on your thoughts on New Years Eve at Morning Wood. It's nice of Vinnie and Julie to offer that. Let's see what we come up with. Til next time...Let's Party!! |